Digital Fitness Card Reading Text or Email


This fitness card spread is a digital service for clients all over the world which will be given over text or email. Based on their physical ability clients will categorize themselves as Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced, the coach (Fitness J) will develop a workout routine for the client as well track their progress (all fitness spread are documented). So based on their categorization and personal preference they will choose the spread they want on the website and then book an appointment online for the coach to personal draw out the cards tended for their current energy (note additional clarity cards may be added and personal message added base on the needs of what comes forward in the spread).

SKU: N/A Category:

1 card spread, 4 card spread + 1 personal message, 8 card spread + 1 personal message, 12 card spread + 1 personal message, 16 card spread + 1 personal message

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Company number: 1 (561) 389-5974


360 life changes llc
3469 W Boynton Beach Blvd
Suite 2 PMP 1011
Boynton Beach,Florida 33436