360 LC Fitness Deck


360 LC Fitness Card Decks is to create physical active movement with exercise to gain and target a full-body workout to achieve real results in your personal fitness goals with Accomplishing self-building skills with consistent use of the fitness deck and trying something New to bring peace and Active Fun to your daily lifestyle.
🏋🏻‍♀️Card Deck Includes:

1 Cover Card
8 Challenges Cards
8 Intervals Cards
54 Excerise Cards
7 Charka Cards
Total 78 cards

All shipping and handling may take up to 4-6 weeks to ship out depending on the quantity amount sold. You will be notified.


Availability: 15 in stock

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Company number: 1 (561) 389-5974

Email: BestPart@360lifechanges.info 

360 life changes llc
3469 W Boynton Beach Blvd
Suite 2 PMP 1011
Boynton Beach,Florida 33436